link for summer learning journey how to blog photos on your blog.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
delta maths!
hey everyone! this is my Delta Island maths! i really enjoyed doing this it was very fun! i look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below!
Thursday, November 28, 2019
My life
My life.
My life is weird, funny, sad, happy and very
crazy. Let me tell you. Ok the first thing I
said was weird. My life is weird becuase my
cat was missing for a day. And do you want to
know where she was? Well she was with a boy!
And she's probaly going to get pregnant…
Chapter 2.
My life is funny becuase there is just alot of
funny things in my life, well once my sister
came over for chrismas ladt year and we
done tiktoks that made us pee our pants.
And we are maybe going to do that this
chrismas aswell. Another thing is that
my cousin was babysitting me whe i was
young. We were playing dolls, her doll
had to go to the toilet. And i said her
pants arent down and i thought it
was the funnyist thing ever! I had to go to the toilet 3 times.
Chapter 3.
My life is kinda sad. I mean this year
my cat died and two days later my
bestfriend died. RIP steni and Taya.
also i think i lost my bestfirend this
year aswell. I thought it was the most
saddest thing ever. But i know im very
strong and it does not matter.
Chapter 4.
My life is happy becuase its just a
good thing in life, my life is happy
becuase i have good parents, good
friends and even good pets. I love my life.
Chapter 5. LAST CHAPTER!
My life is crazy becuase at
rainbows end i went on the
power seurge! I hate that ride its so scary!
I even went on the log floum by myself! Also
i got ran over by a bike 3 times!
Thank you for reading this five chapters of my life.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Reading work
Hey everyone! this is my reading work with karizma! me and her have been working on this for 5 days. we did not to much but this is all we have. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Should People be able to vote for the goverment by email?
Are people allowed to vote for the govermet by email?
[for[ I think people are aloud to vote by email
becouase if you email you dont have to get up
and go anywhere. Also if you email the place
where you go to vote, it won't be so packed.
And one mroe reason its because if you think
your such a mess to go out of your house you
can just email it.
[Agaist] i think that you should not vote by
email becuase like if you dont have a car
everyone needs a workout and have a little
run and you do have a car your not being
that lazy at least your up and ready to
start the day insted or just emailing it and staying home.
Well i want people to not vote by email! You
should think that to! Everyone needs to have
a workout insted of just staying home and
playing video games! Stop have a workout go
drive go run. We need people to not be
unheathy we need them to BE healthy.
So everyone join in with me! And make
people stay HEATHY!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
So I have alot of nicknames just to let you know
that my main nickname ryry that Jay made for
me and now everyone is calling me ryry. So my
last main nickname was ryles and kaizer made
that nickname up, i mean some people still call
me ryles but not all of my friends, and my
fortnite friends call me a bot on fortnite,
i mean its kinda true that i am a bot.
So if you want comment down below some
nicknames for me <3
that my main nickname ryry that Jay made for
me and now everyone is calling me ryry. So my
last main nickname was ryles and kaizer made
that nickname up, i mean some people still call
me ryles but not all of my friends, and my
fortnite friends call me a bot on fortnite,
i mean its kinda true that i am a bot.
So if you want comment down below some
nicknames for me <3
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The fire
The sky tower.
NOO! NOT THE SKY TOWER! Hey im Ryleigh
and this is the sky tower on fire writing. A
couple days ago the Auckland city caught on fire.
I do not know who from though but it was a big fire.
I really would not want to be there at the Auckland
city at that time, or even in the sky tower! Here.
I was born in Auckland city. So that's my hometown
basically, i have been up the sky tower over 1 million
times, the sky tower and Auckland city are a big
thing to me. Just to let you know that no one
was hurt. I'm pretty sure the fire has stopped
as what i have seen. Untill next time guys bye!!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Lizid, is a small creature, he loves to hunt and be
creepy to other people and scare them away.
Some loud noises scare him away and he goes
back to his home. He loves other animals such
as lizards because they have the same name,
monkeys because they are very crazy like
lizid and snakes because they are scary like
lizid. Lizid has so many friends such as all the
animals i just said and some bears to. Lizid
loves to live and his friends do to.
Friday, October 18, 2019
identity of my friends
hello everyone! these are my identity of friends! sorry i haven't been posting thats because of school holidays i had a great school holiday it was very fun. ❤ I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Wearable arts writing
Wearable arts.
Wearable arts is really fun! But sadly I don't
get to perform because Mr Ward got me to
do back stage. And now i'm a backstage helper,
my job is exit door, I had to make sure the kids
go out and go back to class. I want to perform
with my group because i think i just let them
down. But i get to see them perform. Also my
friend Caleb is the entrance door. He makes
sure the kids come in well.
Pikelets are so fun to make! Yesterday we cooked
pikelets and then we got to eat them after! They
were so good! If you don't know what pikelets are
they are just pancakes! They tasted so good! We
had butter, golden syrup and maple syrup as well!
They were so yummy and we got to flip them! When
I flipped my ones they were so gold! My group my
ones were the best! All though they did just taste
like flour but it still tastes good with maple syrup!
My group got 5 each of the pikelets and there was
one more so Karizma just made it into little pieces!
I hope you
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Hello everyone! this is my graph! i really enjoyed making this! it was so fun to create and share! this was pretty epic! to be honest. i created this with some help by my friend Ollie (i look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below)
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Hello everyone! today me, Karizma, Aaliyah S Aaliyah K and Blake made pikelets! if you dont know what pikelets are well now you know! my taste on them was they tasted just like flour... but anyway this was so fun to make (I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below)
Friday, September 6, 2019
Pita Pizzas
Hello Everyone! today i made some pita pizzas, they tasted really good but really spicy, cheak this recipe out so you can make them you self.
remember but the toppings on. i look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Cooking Club
Cooking club.
Cooking Club was only for year 6 but now… its for
both year 6 and 5. This Friday we are changing our
clubs, i was
last in sports club and now im in
clubs. I
really like cooking because then we get to eat
it after. I do miss sports because sports
is one of my favorite things. But i say
cooking will keep me going until i get
tired like sports you always need to
give it a go. So this Friday i get to get in
the cooking club.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Netball is such a fun game it always will
keep my running! Today Im going to play netball
because im shooter
sometimes. I say netball is my 3rd favorite sport
because touch
and handball are my first two favorites. I like
netball but sometimes no one passes the ball to me because im
just not calling there name and im too far away,
i have got many many shoots because i know
how to shoot because i do play netball at
home with my friends. Netball is so fun
and you should give it a go. I tried netball a
nd i enjoyed it. So give it a go with your friends.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hey Everyone! This is my ecosystem Pahurehure inlet! This video did not take me very long! this was fun! I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below!
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Prize Giving lines
Hey everyone! this was my prize giving lines from last year (2018) I desided to post this because i had nothing to post. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Fraction Flowers
Hey everyone! this is my Fraction Flowers! I would say this was kinda hard. but some of them were easy! I really loved doing this math. Its really fun! i dont know if i got all of them right but, i tried. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below!
Friday, July 5, 2019
Hey everyone! this is my divison maths! I kinda like divison. but i loved doing this. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Matariki reading
hey everyone! this is my Matariki Reading, Sorry if i did not finish all the words on the word search becuase i dont know that much words of matariki! so I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below!
Jelly bean mix
Hello everyone! this is my jelly bean mix, this took me two days and it was really fun to do. my favourite part was the last one because I think I got it right, in my book it was two pages, my arms and fingers were hurting, but at least i done it! I look forward to your feedback, so please leave a comment below!
Monday, July 1, 2019
Thank you letter
Hey everyone! This is my Thank you letter to motat, this was fun to create, I have already done two of these. I look forward to your feedback so please leave comment below!
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Shy expert
Hey everyone! this is my story of how to become a shy expert! This was very fun to make. I can become shy and happy! I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below!
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Hello everyone! Im Ryleigh! this is my information report about dolphins! I really like dolphins because they can do many tricks! I am proud of this because it looks really clean! I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
holidays are coming
The holidays are coming~
I know,
I want to get in my blankets because its cold,
The holidays are coming~`
My mum knows.
She wants to eat but everything has mold.
The Holidays are coming~
My aunty knows,
She does not want everything so she sold,
The holidays are coming~
My dog knows,
She needs to rest because shes old.
Friday, June 7, 2019
hey everyone. This is my information report story. I love monkeys so I wrote about them. This was very fun to make. My plan is in my writing book. and that made me write this. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Intro to scratch
hey guys. this is my intro to scratch. in here there are the instructions to get in to scratch and how to wrok it. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Monkeys have fur on them. There colors can be brown,
white or black. They can be big or small. They sometimes live
in forests,
grasslands, high plains and mountains. There shelter
is trees or wood.
They eat leaves, fruit, seeds, nuts, grass, eggs, roots,
insects, Spiders and small Mammals. The animals
get its food from other people. There enemies are
leopards, Jaguars and cougars. There life cycle
are from babyhood to Adulthood. Other interesting
facts about monkeys 264 known monkey species on earth.
white or black. They can be big or small. They sometimes live
in forests,
grasslands, high plains and mountains. There shelter
is trees or wood.
They eat leaves, fruit, seeds, nuts, grass, eggs, roots,
insects, Spiders and small Mammals. The animals
get its food from other people. There enemies are
leopards, Jaguars and cougars. There life cycle
are from babyhood to Adulthood. Other interesting
facts about monkeys 264 known monkey species on earth.
Shapes For Rotation.
hey everyone! this is my Shapes of Rotation. I like this because of the upside down heart :) This was fun to do. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Today I signed up for soccer and I hope i get in it. So t
here was 3 places you could sign up for. There was
netball, Soccer and Rippa rugby. Well i picked soccer
because I always wanted to play for soccer. And now i
get to. Mr Hull will pick the people who are good at
soccer and those people get to go to the tournament.
I really hope I get in to the Tournament. Also soccer
is so soft because you don't get hurt that much.
here was 3 places you could sign up for. There was
netball, Soccer and Rippa rugby. Well i picked soccer
because I always wanted to play for soccer. And now i
get to. Mr Hull will pick the people who are good at
soccer and those people get to go to the tournament.
I really hope I get in to the Tournament. Also soccer
is so soft because you don't get hurt that much.
How wolves changed the river
P1: Wolves ate deer so less dear were in the
park to eat the trees. So the trees grew back.
P2: More trees grew so that meant more
birds and beavers came back to the park.
P3: The beavers Made the dams in the river.
The dams caused ducks, rats, fish and reptiles
to come back to the park.
P4: The river changed and became bigger
because the trees and plant roots helped
the river bank to stay which made the river
cleaner and bigger.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Learning pit Animation
Hello Everyone! this is my Learning pit animation. My class done this aswell. we could do posters, Animations and a story. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Friday, May 17, 2019
maths 2019
Hey guys. this is my Maths for this year. Me and Atlanta done this. I helped her with the cubes so we can make more. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
How to fish for the Future
Seabirds SOS save our seabirds:
We need to save our seabirds before they are all gone.
Black petral are the NZ seabirds they are nearly all g
one from the plastic. Always put your rubbish in the bin
so all the black petals can be saved.
Safety on Water: 1. Always wear a life Jacket when you are
on a boat. Because if the boats crashes you will keep
bobbing up and down if you are wearing a life Jacket.
Taking fish: Make sure that the fish are 30 cm or more to catch. If the fish are to big put them back.
Why? Because they might have babies. If they are to
small put them back. Why? Let them have a good life
before they are 30cm long.
Reading 2019
Hello Everyone! these are my reading slides. I just finished doing some of my reading for today. I kinda like doing reading but not fully. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
how to feel calm.
Explanation Writing: How to feel calm
I will get angry by people annoying me. sometimes noises make me angry.
I look outside the window to
get myself calm. I will feel
ok to learn again. If i go to the
kitkat area I will think about
my happy place and that is
candy land. And then i be happy
again and start to learning with other people.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Maths answering.
Hello everyone! This is my answering slide. Im so so happy i only got one wrong. I wanted to get all of them right but only getting 1 wrong is really good. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
hello everyone. This is my S.T.E.A.M video slides. Come here every Thursday. This is very very fun to do even the first slide 🤣 I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below.
Friday, April 12, 2019
The Day I got a Kitten
Hey Everyone! this is when I got my cat. read my story to see what it means. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below.
T-shirt design
Hey Everyone! this is my T-shirt design for T1/ Term 1. this is really fun for me and some others aswell. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down below.
Maths T1 W10

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Hello everyone! This is my advertising with my mate Avi. He helped me with this. look at the slide to see what advertising is. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment down bellow.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
To Taya
Hey guys. Sadly my best friend Taya died. She died by breathing problems and Heart problems. she was the best girl in the world. I was so so sad that she had to die. She died on February 8th 2019. we will always remember that day.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Making equal groups
Hello everyone! This is my 'making equal groups'. This is a little easy for me. These are my Maths for T1 W9 Thursday. I need to be finishing my work. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Highlights of 2018
Hey Guys! This is the highlights of 2018. I made this with my best friend Kaizer. He made all the animations for this slide. Thank you 2018 for making this thing possible. On the first slide on this Kaizer put some music. And I did the photos and backgrounds. I look forward to your feedback please leave a comment down below bye!
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Sharpie/ vivids technique Tshirt designs
Do you think I will use this technique? why/why not? I maybe won't because it maybe won't stand out properly.
I will because it has beautiful designs on it. And people will know my name if they need help.
About Ryleigh
Hey everyone! This is my ''about Ryleigh'' story. This took me Two days to do. I love my background so much its my favorite colors. I look forward to your feedback so please leave a comment below. 💗
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