
Friday, October 30, 2020

Bike Track.

 Bike Track.

Hello everyone. Today I'm going to be talking about the bike track in our school. 

The bike track was made at the start of 2019. Juniors, School leaders and house

captains got on them first. Before we got to see it the field was fully closed off

so we couldn't play touch or just on the field. Before we got to see the bike

track there was an assembly. A guy came and talked about the bike track.

We had so many fun times there. Also a girl came and taught us how to use

the bikes properly. I haven't been on the bike for a very long time because

I'm playing volleyball and touch at lunch. It's also really good exercise for

your legs but you can get really tired also. The bike track is around the

full field so it's basically like a barrier. You can bring your own bikes

and scooters on it too! And we also use it for running around

to get good exercise.

I really hope you liked this story about our school bike track.


  1. First off, I really enjoyed this story about the PCS Bike Track. It REALLY brought back memories of my time riding on the track.

  2. Hi Ryleigh it,s me Ashley i really liked the way you made your phragrahph really simple nothing to over board and i also liked the way u added Full stop,s & captil letters
    But i think you scholud work on your speaching but yhea:)
    From Ashley
